Youth need opportunities.
We believe that young adults are a pillar of a prosperous society. Whether they shape us as part of a family or contribute as apprentices and young professionals, their mindset brings innovation and creativity; they are the future. Accepting a little less efficiency and lower technical skills in favor of diversity and young professionals pays off. This not only benefits the working atmosphere, but is also reflected in profitability, according to studies by McKinsey.
Youth unemployment must be vigorously prevented in Switzerland. Several tens of thousands of young people in our country are looking to enter the job market. Not all of them manage this step without support. It is frustrating when young people feel that they are not needed at the beginning of their career and feel rejected by the professional world. If young people are no longer anchored in fixed structures for just a few months, they run the risk of going off track. In addition, there is a risk of "dequalification": professional skills - without daily practice and routine - are quickly devalued. This mixture of frustration and dequalification is toxic for young people and soon leads to social problems (family tensions, health problems, crime, social decline). Motivation, information and 1:1 coaching open up perspectives that every young person deserves.
This is why ELIGENDO as a patron has been supporting for many years the initiative of Check Your Chance, the Swiss umbrella organization against youth unemployment.
If you also want to contribute to the prevention and reduction of youth unemployment in Switzerland, support Check Your Chance with a donation to IBAN CH76 0483 5152 2444 1100 0. Youth need opportunities - people make the difference.